I use to think that memorials were weird but later I changed my mind about them. I changed my
mind after I wound up erecting my own little memorial in a park one day. This was during a time when I
was having a major struggle with forgiving some others. I was resisting forgiving but I knew I didn't have the option of 'not' forgiving them, (as
in Mt 6:15). On that particular day in the park; inspired by something I read in the Old Testament, I said out loud to God: “Lord I am willing to forgive, I do forgive
and I pledge to forgive, them!” Right after I spoke these words, I
gathered up five small stones and piled them up to mark the spot where I made my solemn promise to God. In doing this, I was imitating ‘Jacob’ in the bible. Jacob set
up stones as a memorial to commemorate his vision of angels in a dream (Ge 28:18); and after his talk with God (Ge 35:14); and once again after his
covenant with Laban (Ge 31:45). There
are more examples of this practice in the bible but you get the idea.
(This heap of stones will be a witness Ge 31:52)
My hurt feelings and my unforgiveness vanished from my heart immediately after I set up my memorial. And I do know that it was the Holy Spirit and not a pile of stones that changed my heart that day. But somehow just piling up stones as my spiritual ancestors once did, put me over the top and gave me the means to forgive.
By the way, check out the lyrics (here) and video (here) for 'In The Stone' an EWF song about stones. I'm just saying that for me, Stones Will Witness.
(The view from the memorial)