Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Winter Soldier

I've told you about riding to LA, man! I've told you about driving to San Francisco and Oakland too! Driving past corn fields over mountains and through deserts. Well here's another place you can go. Looking through a glass windshield,...Snow Land....Snow Land. But it's no problem for a Street Van. As long as you've got gas, you can run that heat and it becomes your Swiss Chalet on wheels!  Yes hot cocoa was available too with a simple heating appliance you plug into a cigarette lighter. Stay parked if you must, use your snow driving skills if you trust, but if you've prepared your Street Van for everything; you can just keep on trucking!

This photo of my van was taken in Orange, New Jersey where a record snow fell; just five months after my summer of 1977 California road trip. Yes there's a music theme to this post, click on the following link:  (Glass Onion


How many of you have had the privilege of being a Fool for Love? I see allot of hands out there so most of you must know what this rap is about. You know I pity the fool for love. What is a fool for love? That’s the kind of person who when he or she gets stuck in a wrong relationship that their friends and family tried to warn them not to get into, do it anyway –fools. And if they had their life to live over again they’d play it again just the same way one more time, -fools!
Yeah well, I knew a guy who played the fool once. He was a real live fool for love once upon a time. Check this out; he was a 20 year old college student and dating that 36 year old woman who was estranged from her husband and had a kid too! Yes I pity the fool, an educated fool at that. Well she dumped him one day and oh…oh…oh…oh…oh... was he ever a hurting fool.  What made matters worse was he tried to get her back.  In the end all he could say was…WHY? And all she could say was: “Go on fool you doing it too,” but he wasn’t doing it!!! You know, you can kick a dog around only so long and he’ll get tired.  After so many times of rejection, he took his little crushed heart in his hands and walked on by, head hanging down and he stayed hurt for months after that, poor fool. I pity the fool for love.

God must love fools (somebody has to) there are just so many of them. They just keep coming. Love will shoot them down, mow them down with machine guns, blow them up with mortar rounds and shell them with artillery and still more of them come like legions of Chinese soldiers, relentless, in unending wave after wave, unstoppable as they march over the carcasses of their fallen comrades. But in the long run, being a fool for love can give you valuable experience. If it were not for playing the fool, you would not know about the flip side of love. You've got to know all about love before you can appreciate it right? You know the old saying, 'There's a sucker born every minute'? Well these suckers have learned how to be from Missouri you've got to show them your love is real first! They’re not going to be kicked around anymore; no more fooling around.

How do you like me now!