Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Guardian

I’m okay now and feel a sense of peace but three days ago on Tuesday night, I was in a pity pot and feeling depressed. But later at ten that  night our hot water heater started leaking. I had to spring into action to cut off the gas and drain that sucker with a water hose before it emptied  water all over the laundry room and kitchen floor.  It was a around twelve a.m. before I could get to  bed but the pity pot was gone for good. The following morning on a Wednesday, I went out early to Home Depot to look into buying a new gas hot water heater to replace our old one.  I wasn't able to get the problem fixed that day but nevertheless my day went fine. That same evening, I went for a walk on a walking trail near my home at around six o’clock p.m. to get some exercise. I hardly ever walk in the evening, I much prefer to walk in the morning but the water heater problem took up my morning. As I walked down my usual trail and reached my turn around point, I started back down the other way. It was then that I noticed  a woman and her child riding their bikes towards me on the trail. Nothing much seemed to be amiss  except that the little girl who looked to be about seven years old, was riding a bit wobbly on her bike. Just when we closed the distance between us, the young girl fell over on her bike right in front of me.  Then her mother who was following close behind her ran over her little girl’s back with her front wheel and then also fell over. The mother ended up with her bike resting in a tangled mess right on top of her child who was face down on the ground.  I immediately ran over to them and grabbed both wheels on the mother’s bike and lifted it off the child.   After she was freed from being pinned under her mother's bike the little girl got to her feet. Her mother also got up,  hugged her daughter  and said in disbelief, “I ran over you!”  Then she looked right at me and said, “You were right on time!” I couldn't help but smile and said, “I know, right? Which was all that I could think of to say at that moment because in wonder, I realized that no one else would have been in just the right place and at just the right time to help them!" Had I not changed my walking routine to go in the evening instead of that morning, I would not have been there. A few  long moments later a jogger ran past us but he would have been too late to be of much help. It’s not that I think that this mother and child couldn't have gotten up without my help; but I am certain that it would have been much more difficult. Without help, I believe that it would have been a much more traumatizing experience to them both, I just know it.

Now it's Thursday September 26, 2019 and although progress has been made on our hot water heater project it’s still not fixed. No big deal, although we had to shut off all the water in the house.  Fortunately, we have some bottled water to drink and a couple of buckets of water that I filed up for flushing toilets.  Tonight, though we’re going over to my brother’s house to take showers and we will let tomorrow take care of itself. Now going back to Tuesday, when I started this narrative what was my pity pot all about? Nothing really, I can't even remember why I was feeling down. I am prone to occasional bouts of self-pity. I've known about this tendency for self pity for years and I also know how to combat against it. I simply must do a quick prayer and harness spiritual power to change how I feel. However, sometimes I forget to use this power, you know what I mean?

This brings me now to the title to this piece, The Guardian You see, for the past ten years or so, I’ve been inwardly referring to myself as a "Guardian." I'm not a part of the Guardian Angels organization that I admire; that sport jaunty red berets on their heads, it's just me. I started calling myself a Guardian in jest because I've had to intervene to help people facing physical danger on several occasions. For example, I once helped a man who fell over backwards in his chair at a restaurant and needed help getting up. Another time, I pulled a teenaged girl out of an overturned car that had crashed right in front of me while I was walking on a trail.  On another occasion I pulled two women out of their car that was stuck on a train track, just moments before a train smashed into it. The train plowed into their car and completely obliterated it but the two women were safe. Also, I once got a little girl down off of a cruise ship railing while at sea.  I don't know what I would've done had she fallen overboard into the sea -but I think I know. Then there's this current incident with the young girl and her mom falling off of their bikes.  

It is my conviction that I have a duty to intervene when something bad happens right in my path. I believe that 
when I am out and about  I am on my watch, and on my watch I am going to do something to help anyone that needs help. I'll of course also call the police or the fire department depending upon the circumstances. You probably think that maybe I should wear a red beret hat right? I do like hats. Maybe a t-shirt too with a G on it. Helping others also has it's rewards. It make me feel good about others and about myself too.  Also it gives me a feeling of gratitude to God who allowed me to help some others. This Guardian thing I've done is partly the reason why I work out as much as I do for four or five times a week split between walking and going to the gym. I believe that I should stay in good shape in case I have to spring into action should I be called upon.

There is another aspect to all of this. On occasion I'll encounter someone in public that seems wary of me because I'm black. I've prayed not to mind their caution and yes their fear. 
When I sense someone's unease, I'll try to telegraph a positive vibe towards them that communicates  something like the vibe in the Doobie Brothers Takin' It To The Streets song, (click on the link). Their song with the lyrics that say; “You don't know me, but I'm your Brother."   

As for the leaking hot water heater at home, a friend who is a plumber replaced it for me on Friday with a brand new one. All is well again with our hot water heater.