Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hiding a Bad Motive

Hiding the truth is easy or it's hard but can we handle the truth? I said that I wanted to rekindle an old friendship with a guy I once knew, a man from the past. "We could be friends again," I said. "I could help him in some way," I said. Those are really good motives aren't they? But lurking underneath was another motive –a bad one.  With all this talk going on now about medical marijuana and legalizing it, I got it into my head somehow to try some out.  And that guy from the past was one of the biggest potheads I ever knew. So the truth is; I was hiding a bad motive underneath a good one and hoping he could get me some. By the way this man from the past and I were never really friends, we were just acquaintances. Can I handle this truth about myself? You bet I can, once I admitted it.  I've got to wonder though, in how many other ways do I try this mental ploy of hiding a bad motive underneath a good one? I'm going to have to be on the lookout for that.

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