Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Men Express More Love (than you think)

My theory is this. Not only are men just as romantic as women are but men may actually be even more romantic than women. 

I was watching the Bachelorette show on TV with my wife who likes and watches almost every season of those shows. I asked her, who has the most drama, the men on the Bachelorette show or the women on the Bachelor show? She replied that, "the men on the Bachelorette show seem to have more drama than women because, we are not expecting men to express strong feelings as much as women do." She added that, "In general women more often than men  express their emotions." 

I have heard this before that women are more emotional, more romantic, more loving, and more tender hearted and that they express their feelings much more often than men do. On the other hand we men are viewed as being, unimaginative and unable to express our feelings although sometimes, we might have a good heart. Suddenly, I was hit by an inspiration coming out of my great love for music; so I asked her this question. "If men so rarely express their feelings, then why is it that men write most of the love songs?"  “You know, you may have something there,” she said. What do you think? Below are two links; the first being the lyrics to a love song called, I’ll have to say I love you in a song, by Jim Croce and the second link is for a list of the top100 love songs list which also shows the songwriters names. This is not scientific but the lists that I have seen sure seem to back up my hypothesis about men being even more romantic that women.  Feel free to check out my earlier post entitled: The Saint Valentine’s Day Reversal, for more on this topic.

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