Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Elephant in the Closet

Take a  Google eyed view of your neighborhood and you will see the roofs of many households. Have you ever wondered how many of those families have a skeleton in the closet?  I’ll wager you that the answer is most of them.  A skeleton in the closet is something shameful and potentially damaging if exposed. Therefore an individual or even the whole family tries to conceal it. The problem with something shameful being hidden away is that sometimes it may get out on its own. How stressful and fearful that must be. So why not just let the skeleton out yourself by admitting the wrong? 

Sadly, if your letting out your secret is not handled in just the right way, it may become the elephant in the room 

An elephant in the room is an important and obvious topic which everyone present is aware of, but is never discussed because it is too uncomfortable. So once you tire of this elephant in the room, you banish it back to the closet. But then you will have an elephant in your closet. So what is the best way of admitting a serious wrong? I'm talking about personal wrongs here involving a family member not  about prosecutable crimes. Talk to someone else about it first, a neutral spiritual person who can give wise counsel. Also pray hard for God to give you just the right opportunity and forum to let it out in. Admitting the truth will not be easy but it will bring both freedom and healing to your household. In the long run you will not regret getting rid of  all the skeletons and elephants in your life. Once you allow light into your life you will begin to see the goodness that you've' been missing. 

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